Software Engineer, AWS Certified

Understanding, polite, work-driven and straight-forward professional. Like to work in energetic teams and always prefer to give my all to achieve the goal. With the growth mindset, I would always like to test my skill-set and improve myself in solitary. Always looking for new challenges.


Python 0%
Django Rest Framework0%
Celery, Redis, RabbitMQ0%
Docker, Kubernetes0%
Scrapy, BS4, Selenium, MechanicalSoup0%
JIRA, GIT, Bitbucket, VsCode, GitLab0%
Grafana, Kibana, Prometheus0%
Microsoft Excel - VBA, Macros0%
Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Plotly, OpenCV0%
Streamlit, Gradio, Spacey0%
AWS EKS, ECS, S3, EC2, RDS, Spot, S30%
AWS DynamoDB, Aurora, SQS, CodePipeline0%
AWS Lambda, Step Functions, Cognito, VPC0%
Prompt Engineering for LLMs - ChatGPT-3.50%
Effective Communication0%
Code Documentation0%


Software Developer, ACID Tech Pvt. Ltd

10/2021 to Current

● I was responsible for creating services that scrapes data from the chat and coding platforms 24/7 and then analyze the results identifying the underlying the threat pattern and report if it finds one.
● Designed Grafana Dashboards for all the services to analyze the inner workings of the services and track the internal analytics of the code and take immediate action when required.
● Implemented Celery/Asyncio, Celery/Selenium, handling a large number of asynchronous requests per minute.
● Designed decoupled architecture with SQS queue, that helped me scale the system by many folds and make the services asynchronously faster.
● The elastic search service called Kibana was used to analysed logs to identify the error much faster. This allowed faster action.
● Implemented captcha bypass paid and unpaid by optimizing the scraping flow. The unpaid services use ML to solve the image based captcha.
● Orchestrated Kubernetes deployment on AWS EC2 nodes to cut down the costs.

Senior R&D Machine Learning Engineer - Intern

01/2021 to 09/2021

● Developed user-friendly virtual try-on application using advanced computer vision techniques (RAISR, CPVTON+, Sievenet, ACGPN, PFAFN).
● This improved user experience by 40% as they were able to try before they buy from the online market.
● Led high-performing 7-person team, delivering sub-projects ahead of schedule.
● Created a robust web-app API using Django Framework, ensuring high performance.

Data Analyst - Intern

07/2020 to 12/2020

● Developed and maintained an impactful Tableau dashboard for data-driven decision-making. Utilized the Tableau-Prep to create the step by step pipeline to clean and format data.
● Automated end-to-end data pipeline on G-Cloud, reducing processing time by 40%.
● Conducted in-depth data analysis and achieved 15% improvement in forecasting accuracy in time series analysis.
● Optimized project efficiency by 60% using Excel VBA and Python together. Initially, the project used Excel which is not very efficient at handling more millions of rows and thus using python along with Excel greatly improved the performance.
● Implemented automated report generation, saving 30 hours/week and improving accuracy by 20%.


M.S: Industrial And Systems Engineering specializing in Data Analytics

Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas, US


● Courses-Engineering Data Analysis, Simulation Analysis, Linear Programming, Data Mining, Engineering Economics

B.E: Production Engineering

Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya, - Vidhyanagar, Gujarat


● Courses - Engineering Data Analysis, Operations Research, Engineering Statistics and Probability,