Software Developer, ACID Tech Pvt. Ltd
10/2021 to Current
RESPONSIBILITIES -----------------------
● I was responsible for creating services that scrapes data from the chat and coding platforms 24/7 and then analyze the results identifying the underlying the threat pattern and report if it finds one.
● Designed Grafana Dashboards for all the services to analyze the inner workings of the services and track the internal analytics of the code and take immediate action when required.
● Implemented Celery/Asyncio, Celery/Selenium, handling a large number of asynchronous requests per minute.
● Designed decoupled architecture with SQS queue, that helped me scale the system by many folds and make the services asynchronously faster.
● The elastic search service called Kibana was used to analysed logs to identify the error much faster. This allowed faster action.
● Implemented captcha bypass paid and unpaid by optimizing the scraping flow. The unpaid services use ML to solve the image based captcha.
● Orchestrated Kubernetes deployment on AWS EC2 nodes to cut down the costs.